On Tuesday 12th November 2013 the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Education has invited Sir Michael Wilshaw, HM Chief Inspector of Schools in England and Head of Ofsted, to speak to the APPG at 4pm in Committee Room 6. The meeting was originally advertised as taking place in Room C, One Parliament Street.
Sir Michael will be addressing the group on the recent work of and the changes made to Ofsted since he took up his post, in addition to the curriculum reforms currently being carried out by DfE and his plans to further raise educational attainment in England.
This meeting will be an excellent opportunity for group members to pose their own questions to Sir Michael and to discuss with him some of the key issues in education today.
If you would like to attend, please get in touch with the APPG secretariat using the contact details at the bottom of this page. We shall confirm your place nearer the date of the meeting.